
Introducing richer storytelling on OpenSea collection pages

Introducing the new collection page
Introducing richer storytelling on OpenSea collection pagesIntroducing richer storytelling on OpenSea collection pages


Introducing richer storytelling on OpenSea collection pages

Introducing the new collection page
Introducing richer storytelling on OpenSea collection pages
Introducing the new collection page

Today, we’re launching updated collection pages across all of OpenSea. To date, our collection pages have highlighted items and stats – but left little room for creators to tell the story of their collection(s). With this update, we’re introducing a dedicated tab on the collection page where creators can bring their work to life for collectors.

New collection pages are easy-to-update, flexible, and support a variety of rich new storytelling components including video, images, featured NFTs and collections, FAQs and more. Creators no longer have to worry about building out their own destinations, which often require support from engineers and designers, and collectors no longer have to dig around for additional information — starting today, it can all exist right on OpenSea.

What’s changing?

With our new collection pages, creators now have the ability to create an immersive top banner, now including video content in addition to images and GIFs, and build a new, deeper “overview” tab for all collections (right next to items!) that includes:

  • Flexible text, image, and video modules to share more about your project and brand (like worldbuilding, gameplay, or benefits)
  • Ability to feature NFTs and highlight related collections
  • Updated roadmap, team, and FAQ sections for providing more project information
  • For drops, the mint component will now live here instead of on its own page (and post-mint, the storytelling will stay as part of collection)
Examples of new modules that can be added

How can creators update their collection pages?

Creators can update their collection pages starting today using OpenSea Studio! 

Update your banner

We recommend that at a minimum, creators update their collection’s banner image. The new collection page has a different aspect ratio, so creators should update their banner to fit the new specifications. You can update your banner image using OpenSea Studio by navigating to your collection, going to “Page editor,” and clicking “edit banner.”

Get creative with your story

In the collection editor within OpenSea Studio, you’ll find a new section called “Collection page.” This tool allows you to add and edit a variety of modules on your collection page. It also acts as a preview of what your page will look like, so you can make sure everything is exactly how you want it! You can watch a detailed tutorial here.

For collections that dropped using OpenSea, the “Overview” tab will be automatically populated with elements from the drop page (and the drop and collection pages will be combined). You can still edit this page at any time.

Get inspired by these creators’ new pages

The new collection pages are incredibly versatile. Check out the following examples from a range of creators, including art, gaming, etc.:

We can’t wait to see all the cool ways creators will leverage these new pages, and we’re excited to continue building new tools to expand the NFT ecosystem.

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