
Creator earnings: ERC721-C Compatibility on OpenSea

Creator earnings: ERC721-C Compatibility  on OpenSeaCreator earnings: ERC721-C Compatibility  on OpenSea


Creator earnings: ERC721-C Compatibility on OpenSea

Creator earnings: ERC721-C Compatibility on OpenSea

We're excited to announce that creators can now use ERC721-C from Limit Break to set and enforce their own creator earnings on OpenSea.

What is ERC721-C?

ERC721-C is a standard that enables creators to implement programmable and enforceable creator earnings on-chain. It also allows creators to implement custom logic within their collections, opening up new avenues to engage their communities in innovative ways. For more information on ERC721-C, go here.

How does it work?

Two weeks ago, we launched a new version of our marketplace protocol, Seaport v1.6, and introduced a concept called Seaport Hooks. Simply put, Seaport Hooks allow creators to set conditions that need to be fulfilled before NFTs in their collections can be transferred. This new functionality enables creators to do a lot of cool things, including “adapting” Seaport to be compatible with the creator fee enforcement mechanism of the ERC721-C standard. For more information on what else you can do with Seaport 1.6 and Seaport Hooks, check out our recent blog post.

Who is eligible? 

In order to leverage the 721-C compatibility hook, an NFT smart contract must already adhere to the 721-C standard or be upgradeable to one. The owner of that smart contract must then configure 721-C compatibility in the OpenSea Creator Studio — 721-C contracts, by default, will not be purchasable on OpenSea (with or without creator earnings) otherwise.

What do I have to do?

I’m using OpenSea Studio to create my collection

If you’re launching a new collection using OpenSea Studio, it takes just a couple clicks to implement this creator earnings enforcement method in your collection settings. After you’ve deployed your contract in Studio, click Set creator earnings

Set your earnings percentage and recipient address by clicking Add earnings payout address and percentage. Then, you can enforce them on OpenSea sales by clicking Turn on enforced earnings. You’ll be prompted to complete a signature request in your wallet. 

If you deployed your OpenSea Studio smart contract before 10:00am PST on April 2nd, 2024, you can set optional earnings in your settings, but won’t have the option to enforce your earnings. 

I’m deploying an ERC721-C or ERC1155-C compatible custom smart contract

After you've deployed an ERC721-C or ERC1155-C compatible contract, or upgraded your existing contract, you can configure your earnings on OpenSea in your collection settings. 

Navigate to OpenSea Studio and select Edit details for the collection you’d like to update your earnings.

In the Earnings tab, set your earnings percentage and recipient address by clicking Add earnings payout address and percentage. Then, you can enforce them on OpenSea sales by clicking Turn on enforced earnings. You’ll be prompted to complete a signature request in your wallet. 

If you don’t see the option to enforce your earnings, this means your smart contract isn’t compatible with ERC721-C/1155-C, but you’ll still be able to set optional creator earnings.

If your smart contract is upgradeable, visit our Developer Docs for technical information about how to make your contract compatible. After you’ve upgraded your contract, you’ll be able to enforce your earnings in your collection settings on OpenSea. 

Why now? 

The “hook” capabilities unlocked by Seaport 1.6, such as ERC721-C compatibility, are uniquely enabled by the recent March 13th Dencun upgrade to the Ethereum network.

Anything else to know? 

This fee enforcement method makes your NFT collection on OpenSea compatible with ERC721-C. As such, if you enforce your creator earnings according to the steps above, sales will only be supported on OpenSea and other marketplaces powered by LimitBreak’s Payment Processor, which at time of writing includes Magic Eden.

You can manually allowlist other marketplaces as you see fit, but OpenSea will employ “earnings matching” to help ensure that collectors are not unfairly disadvantaged on our site if creator earnings are set at different levels across other NFT marketplaces. Learn more in the FAQ in our Help Center article.

To conclude

We’d like to thank the Limit Break team for their work and collaboration in supporting ERC721-C compatibility with Seaport 1.6. If you have further questions, please reach out to our Support Team

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